Very-Puzzled Migration Museum Shop

Very Puzzled


    Very Puzzled founded by Patrick Adom. He moved to the UK from Ghana when I was 7 years old and grew-up in Lewisham.

    3 products
    Very Puzzled

    "I moved to the UK from Ghana when I was 7 years old and grew-up in Lewisham. I obtained a degree in Computing from Kingston University in 2000 and worked for two years on a graduate scheme. I went back to university in 2002 and completed an MBA in General Management.

    Being a proud father of an amazing 11-year-old daughter I have always sort to provide her with toys, games, books,
    films and TV shows that are not just entertaining but are also reflective of her heritage and to bring her up to be proud of who she is."

    Patrick Adom, the founder of 'Very Puzzled'

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